Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Where were you God?

A young lady who was a college Freshman was excited about Spring Break. It was a time she had been looking forward to for some time. It was intended to be a time of rest, relaxation and partying with her friends in Panama City Beach, Florida. Weeks upon weeks of anticipation and preparation had been invested…trips to the tanning bed…bathing suit shopping…buying a new digital camera. She even skipped her little brother’s sixth birthday party in order to go shopping for her trip.

The day before she was to leave, she received a horrifying phone call that would not only change her plans for that week, it would change her life.

Her father was on the other end of the line. Her little brother had slipped, hit his head and fallen in the pool while playing outside and drowned while his father turned his head for little more than 20 seconds.

Suddenly, this young girl’s life was flipped completely upside-down and, in that moment, her priorities were also earth-shakingly reversed.

Only a God’s-Eye-View of a situation could ever explain why an awful thing like this could happen to good Christian people. We could never attempt to explain something like this. All we can know for sure is that God loves children. They are precious to Him. No doubt at all that the little boy closed his precious little eyes under that water and opened them a millisecond later in Heaven.

This young lady felt guilt…and she was angry.

She questioned God... “Lord, why did you take my sweet little brother?”

We all question God from time to time, particularly in a crisis. It is human nature and (contrary to popular belief) it is actually OK to do so. After all, how else could we seek the Will of God without ASKING Him to reveal it to us?!

…but did you notice what she DIDN’T ask?

She DIDN’T ask “God WHY did you mess up my Spring Break plans???”


…because this horrible thing that happened removed the veil of earthly blindness from her eyes.

This awful thing gave her the closest thing she had ever experienced to a completely pure and completely honest world-view. Her heart was broken from her loss and she put aside the unimportant things of the world and realized how truly deep her love was for her family.

How often it is that our priorities become skewed or warped by the world.

How often it is that we skip out on “God time” to do what we want.

A crisis comes along and then we have the nerve to say “where were you God?”…when He could really say to us, “where have YOU been for the past MONTH?”

Don’t let the world blind you…try to always be thankful for what you have. Try to always keep priorities in order…for God AND for those whom love you here on earth.

Matthew 22:37 – “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Jesus listed our priorities in order: 1. God, 2. Others and 3. Yourself

Keep them straight.

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