Sunday, November 16, 2014

Atheist Woman Finds Jesus

Heidi had been absolutely sure that there was NO WAY there could ever be a God. She went to college and her professors reinforced this. She had no use for Christians or their Christ. But after studying the scriptures in order to formulate an argument against Christianity, like so many others who tried the same approach before her, she came to Jesus. It nearly destroyed her marriage, but ultimately her husband accepted her for who she had become: a born again believer in Jesus Christ.

I have several atheists in my life. They regard my faith as offensive, oppressive, homophobic, and oppressive to women.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Statements like that show a complete lack of understanding of the Christian faith. Furthermore, none of the above accusations are the core problem at hand anyway.

I'd like to propose a scenario to you: Some Christians have come to accept homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. I am not one of them, but there are some out there. So let's say that one is off the table (for a moment). (By the way, homophobic is such an ignorant term to place on a true Christian. I don't know a single person who "fears" a homosexual.)

So let's say that we agree to leave homosexuality out....never preach about it again....never politically side against it again. (mind you, this is just a scenario....don't get all militant on me!)

Then what?

"Well you folks oppress women because the Bible says a woman ought to be submissive to her husband!"

Garbage....but OK. Let's say we throw that one out as well. Women can be dominant over men and men ought to treat their wives like a "drinking buddy" rather than a genetically, hormonally, physically and spiritually different being than themselves. No more submission. You got it. (AGAIN Christians...I know the verses....calm down. Remember: scenario!)

We throw that out....what else you got?

"Well...all the stuff about Hell."

And there it is. We have whittled it down to the core. You see, it's never REALLY about the politically vibrant stuff; it's really about the core truth of our faith. That truth is that you MUST choose: Christ or Hell.

People don't like to be told that there is only one way to Heaven. They also don't like that there is an eternal consequence for choosing not to take that path.

"WHY can't there be more than one way? That's not fair!"

Why focus on why there isn't more than one way and just be thankful that God gave you a way at all?

See, I don't really think there is such a thing as an "atheist." Even the most staunch atheist in my life acknowledges that there are things that are "supernatural." I know one who is absolutely obsessed with ghosts....but calls the Bible a "fairy tale" and the idea of God isn't "rational" enough for them. Interesting....Casper is cool but God is too much. Gotcha.

And once an atheist overcomes the washed-up anti-God theories and arguments (Omnipotence Paradox...etc.) and accepts that there IS  higher power, THEN the struggle of understanding your lostness as a fallen creation is the next battle.

This is where we meet Oprah Winfrey. She believes in God...but my goodness, there couldn't POSSIBLY be only ONE way to Heaven, she claims!

This is because Oprah has adopted this extremely popular "God exists to make you happy" doctrine. God WANTS you to be happy and therefore there isn't really even the possibility of you going to Hell, unless, of course, you are just a REALLY bad guy! Oprah hasn't encountered the fact that there is NONE without sin and that we have ALL sinned and come short of God's Glory....and therefor we ALL need a Savior....and you cannot do it yourself.

Once you cross that river, understanding God's holy standards for marriage puts homosexuality and God's design for marriage into perspective. Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong bond between a man and a woman. Yes there are those who struggle with same-sex attraction....but there are also those who struggle with other sinful desires....yet we don't call those who act upon other sinful desires "alternative lifestyles," do we? Understanding how a woman and man act in a lifelong partnership whereby the man has a role as the spiritual head of the house hold and the wife is his spiritual partner makes perfect sense to a Christian.

You see, those who attack our faith study up on the arguments AGAINST it and rarely study up on the faith itself. What a waste of time.

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