Friday, November 14, 2014

Jesus Fish to be Covered Up on War Memorial - War Against Christ Continues is reporting that the town of Columbia, New York has decided after being threatened by legal action by the atheist group Americans United for Separation of Church and State, to remove a small "ichthus" (or Jesus Fish) from a war memorial commemorating two Gulf War veterans killed in action. The two soldiers were Navy Lt. Patrick Connor and Army Reserve Spc. Steven Farnen. The memorial has been up since the early 90s.** 

In the grand scheme of things, this may seem insignificant, but it is indicative of a larger anti-Christian movement. It is a symptom of a society that largely refuses the cross or its implications (the primary one being it’s NOT your life and you CAN'T do what you want, Miley Cyrus.) Your choices in life have eternal consequences. People don’t like being convicted.

Yet this movement as of late goes a step further: No longer are "they" simply rejecting the cross or even mocking it; now the goal is total extermination. How low must a person be to attack a war memorial, somehow feeling that because a Soldier fought for "the state," that he is denied his faith?

As a Historian, I find it disturbing that so many people are truly ignorant of what "separation of church and state" actually is. Often (in a typical atheistic condescending tone), we will hear it said "our Constitution has this little thing called ‘separation of church and state.’" Many of those folks would be baffled to realize that this is simply a doctrine (not a statement) that is implied based off of the First Amendment. It is, in fact, not found in the constitution at all. 

What the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment does is prohibits the government from establishing an official religion. One needs only to look at context to understand this. Many of the colonials (ancestors of Puritans etc.) came to America because of England's establishment of the Anglican Church as the official religion as a result of Henry VIII's marriage escapades. The Framers of the Constitution did not forget about this event and wrote a law to prevent its occurrence in the United States. 

The law does NOT prevent religious symbols or prayers at school events....or a Jesus Fish on a tombstone...It also doesn't prevent religious activity at public simply prevents the government from mandating that YOU, personally, practice a religion.

Here's some mind blowing advice: If you don't like that someone is praying for the safety of football players at a high school sporting event, don't bow your head during it. Continue to talk during it if you want. If you don't want to be honored yourself with a cross or ichthus on your tombstone, then leave word with someone that you don't want this done.

Folks like Jon Stewart if Comedy Central mock the idea of there being a "War Against Christmas," but it is much, much worse than that; it is a true war against Christ.

While this may not be “persecution” in the classical sense that our blessed martyrs like Stephen and Polycarp endured, it is much more subtle and detrimental than that. Blatant persecution serves to grow the church and I think Satan has figured that out. But this subtle erasing of Jesus from public view is actually working and we simply must not stand for it.


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