Wednesday, November 12, 2014

So I got dunked, now what?

Like many individuals who have had the pleasure to be raised in the Bible Belt, I was brought up in a loving home by Christian parents who were also raised by Christian parents. You could almost say I was born a Christian, but that is where a lot of people get turned around...  

Because I was baptized at a young age I grew up knowing that Jesus loved me and that I loved him. Now if you're a 5 year old that's a great start, but my problem became apparent many years later when I realized I was in my 20's and that's still where my relationship with Jesus stood. I knew He existed, I knew He loved me, and I knew I loved Him, but up to that point I did not do much else in regards to my faith. When I finally came to terms with the fact that being a Christian was more than just receiving God's gift of salvation for myself, I began to question why I had held back from sharing this gift with others for such a long time. 

Upon reflection, the answer to my question became painfully obvious: I had not set myself apart from the world. In Romans 12:12 God tells us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will." (NIV) By conforming to the world I had voided much of my witness and became afraid to talk about my faith because I didn't want to be "just another Christian hypocrite." 

This is where God's awesome love and redemption came into play in my life. Despite all I had done (or not done), God forgave me for my many failures and gave me a renewed passion to seek Him. Armed with the Truth, God pushed me to start making up for lost time. The first person I could think of that I wanted to make sure I shared Jesus with was my best friend. Maybe this was for selfish reasons because I wanted to make sure I have a best friend in Heaven, but regardless God gave me the opportunity to share with her what He had done for me and likewise what He could do for her. She came to accept Jesus into her heart shortly thereafter and on Valentine's Day of 2010 I had the honor of being able to re-dedicate myself to God on the same day she publicly announced her newfound faith through Baptism.  

Having learned my lesson, I wanted to make this second go-round with God count. I wanted to be more than someone who said they loved Jesus; I wanted to be someone who didn't have to say anything about Jesus for others to know that He was in my heart. With the help of awesome Christian mentors and Vic's brutal honesty (we had just started dating at the time), I became aware of changes I needed to make in my lifestyle as well as simple ways that I could incorporate Jesus into my life on a daily basis. 

The following is a list of practical changes and behaviors that have become an integral part of who I am as a Christian. I pray that they can help you move forward in your spiritual journey as well:
  • Monitor all media content: I burned books, cleaned out itunes, and gave away movies once I realized the incredible influence that media had on my thought process. One of the biggest lies that the Devil wants us to believe is that we can watch violence, listen to filth, and read about sex without being tempted to partake in these activities ourselves. This was probably one of the most difficult and radical changes that I made to my lifestyle, but I noticed an immediate difference in my mindset and attitude once I took the plunge. It has been well worth the sacrifice. 
  • Listen to Christian talk shows/music on the radio: I have learned more about my faith in the past 4 years than I have in a lifetime simply by using my travel time to listen to preaching, marriage and family talk shows, and Christian music. I find that I am no longer satisfied with listening to secular music on the radio when I could be learning about or worshiping my Lord on the way to my next destination. 
  • Keep a prayer journal: I have notebooks laying all over the house and at work where I write out many of my petitions and praises to God. Not only does this allow me to slow down and really consider what I am asking for but it also serves as a reminder that God does answer prayers and that He is more than deserving of my praise. 
  • Assess friendships/significant relationships: While some people naturally faded out of my life, I had to make conscious decisions to part ways with others. I lost many friends and even ended a four-year dating relationship as a result of putting God first in my life.  Though those decisions were difficult to make, I have never regretted it because God quickly revealed to me that He had something better waiting for me, i.e. Vic.
  • Go to church!: During my middle and high school years my family took a hiatus from church due to my grandparents moving into our home and needing constant care. When I think back, it was also during this time that I became the most depressed and fell the farthest from God than I have ever been in my life. I do not believe this was a coincidence and therefore do not advise staying out of church for an extended period of time. 
  • Study your Bible: If you're a Christian, the Bible is your handbook for life - read it. It also doesn't hurt to sign up for some Bible classes or small discipleship groups that can guide you in reading God's Word.  When you begin to consider context, style of literature, intended audience, and authorship, a whole new world opens up and you're no longer just reading words on a page. The Guido Bible Institute in Metter, Ga. is where Vic and I began to practice and develop our Bible study skills. Their classes are affordable and completely worth the investment if you're looking to dig deeper into scripture.  
  • Talk about your faith: I used to shy away from conversations about God, but since I re-dedicated myself I have become more and more comfortable with talking to others about my faith. I attribute this to an increasing knowledge and assurance of what I believe, as well as a boldness and fearlessness that God gives His children. Remaining open, available, and willing to heed to His nudges are important factors in this part of the Christian journey. We walk past lost souls every day that God would have asked us reach out to if we had only taken the time to listen.
God promises us in Psalm 119:2, "Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart..." (NIV) He has proven this over and over in my life, especially since making these deliberate changes to my lifestyle. I am most certainly not perfect, but as Christians we are called to become more like Christ, for 1 John 2:6 says, "Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did." (NIV) 

What are some lifestyle changes that you made when you surrendered to God? Do you have any strategies for consistent spiritual growth? Let me know what has helped you develop your relationship with Jesus in the comments below! 

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, I definitely think it's important to monitor our media. It can have a massive affect on our spiritual well being. The Bible says that out of our mouth comes the overflow of the heart...if we fill our heart with ungodly things, that is what will come out!
