Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Urgent Need for Consistency in the Church

I recently had a revelation. Tonight while I was in church, my Pastor was discussing the possibility of including in the by-laws of our church that Same Sex Marriages would be prohibited from occurring in our facilities to protect us in case this issue was ever brought up. I agree with that. I think we should definitely do that.

However...I have to wonder about something. If it is wrong for a man to marry a man...and likewise for a woman to marry a woman...doesn't the Bible also say that a man should not take the wife of another man or a woman should not marry the husband of another woman?

11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. 12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.” -Mark 10

If this is also wrong, why do we so readily accept it when we stand so vehemently against Homosexual marriage? I'm not picking on my church...I'm just wondering where consistency is anymore. I think part of the reason is that adultery and divorce are so common place now that we have somehow accepted them as inevitable part of life.

I don't know that these figures are 100% correct, but this was astounding to me (feel free to "fact check" me later if you would like. I got this information from here:  Tan, Paul Lee, Encyclopedia of 7,700 Illustrations, (Garland, Texas: Bible Communications, Inc.), 1996. ):

In 1920, there was 1 divorce for every 7 marriages. That is 14%. In 1940, there was 1 divorce for every 6 marriages. That is 17%.In 1960, there was 1 divorce for every 4 marriages. That is 25%.In 1972, there was 1 divorce for every 3 marriages. That is 33%.In 1977, there was 1 divorce for every 2 marriages. That is 50%


I would be willing to bet that that statistic is even worse now.

If we are going to take a stance against sin and advocate "Traditional Marriage," it should not be just against Homosexuality. While Homosexuality is antithetical to what is Biblical, I can assure you that (especially with these staggering statistics being considered) divorce is a bigger enemy to the family unit than Homosexuality could ever HOPE to be.


Two reasons:
1.) It is rampant IN the church.
2.) We tolerate it.

While society may now be more tolerant of Homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, the recent Chick-Fil-A fiasco showed that the Church is overwhelmingly willing to stand against it.

But what about this family killer known as "divorce?" It is ignored and accepted.

We can't just refuse service to one group of sinners but tolerate another group.

"We just couldn't get along" has become the cop-out of nearly 3 generations...and it is disgraceful.

There are churches now in my own community with Pastors who have taken the wife of another man. There are deacons in churches on their second and third marriages.

The Bible says quite clearly in 1 Timothy 3:2 AND in Titus 1:6 that a Bishop (Pastor and/or Deacon) must be: "the husband of one wife... 

But yet we have Pastors and Deacons in charge of our churches who violate this standard so shamelessly. When you confront them on this issue, they become indignant and defensive and complain about being "judged." They argue that it really means "the husband of one wife AT THE TIME." The Bible NEVER said "at the time." It means ONE living wife. ONE. That's what it says. A man who remarries while his first wife is still living is then married to two women in the eyes of God. You promised to be married to her until DEATH do you part...not until you file for divorce with your lawyer. That does not fly with God.

Due to my previous blog on the subject, I do not feel the need to elaborate TOO much, but just in case some of you have been through a LEGITIMATE divorce, let me repeat that Jesus DID say that divorce is permissible ONLY in cases of infidelity. So if you are divorced and that was the're good. I would, however, argue that a Pastor or Deacon would be disqualified (based on scripture) from holding office if they re-marry, even under those circumstances.

I have many soap boxes and problems with divorce because I believe it is the single most destructive force in the church right now. Even writing this (my SECOND blog this year on the subject), I fear backlash from loved ones for even speaking out on the issue...not because they have an issue with my theology, but because it is unkind to speak out against things loved ones do.

We HAVE to take a stand against this destructive travesty. Teach your children in your words and SHOW your children in your actions that divorce is WRONG. Teach your children that marriage is SACRED and it is FOREVER. Show them the importance of dating carefully and prayerfully and finding the right person. Show them the importance of being PREPARED for marriage so that you begin the journey with the other person with the odds stacked in your favor.

I will begin writing more on this topic because I have so much more to say...but until then, I do welcome your opinions. If I stepped on some toes, I am indeed sorry. I assure you that this blog was directed at no one in particular. I just feel this is an issue that the church MUST square with at some point because of the urgency its rampantness has created.

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