Monday, May 7, 2012

"Every Man's Battle"

I just wanted to take a moment and tell you all about a wonderful book that I just finished reading. This particular one is not on my Summer Reading List because I have been trying to finish it for some time now (it's very difficult to read what YOU want to read when all of your professors have a crazy amount of reading for THEM that one must get done!). My girlfriend's Dad let me borrow it. It's called "Every Man's Battle."

Are you struggling with wondering eyes, pornography, or masturbation? All of those topics are covered in this book from a Biblical perspective. It talks about tactics you can use to avert sensual desires such as "bouncing" your eyes and reminding yourself that you have no right to think impure thoughts.

One thing I found in this book is that, many times, sensual and sexual problems may be nipped in the bud simply by controlling your eyes or controlling the situation you have found yourself in.

I'm not going to go into a long synopsis of the book but I did want to say that, despite any skepticism you may find within your heart as I tell you this, you CAN be pure and it IS worth it.

Job was a pure man. The Bible says so...and he was just a you and me. He is a good example of this.

The authors do not insult you or make light of what you are struggling with, they struggled through the same types of things. They give good, practical, Biblical advice to help you with what you are going through.

The authors recognize that men are visual and that men tend to have wondering eyes; but they show you through testimonies of men and hard scriptural evidence that this is not a valid excuse...and you have some soul searching to do.

I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with sexual sin...particularly pornography.

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