Monday, March 4, 2013

Putting on a Show

There is a popular show on MTV called “Catfish: The TV Show.” The premise of the show is that young adults have found an online relationship and want to meet their “crush.” The problem usually is that the person always finds excuses not to meet with them. They do things that often seem “fishy.” Their social media profiles usually don’t have many contacts and they usually won’t connect with any sort of messenger that allows webcam communication so they can be seen (such as Skype or Face Time).

A meeting is set up by the makers of the show between the young adult and their shady “crush.” Most of the time, the audience ends up finding out that the person’s entire persona is a complete fabrication. They have lied about everything from their appearance to something as serious as their gender! It’s often a shocking and heart-breaking encounter when the young adult finds out that a personality that they have become so attached to has practically died before their eyes. They often feel hurt, betrayed and angry.

In a lot of ways, Christians do this. We put on a show and lie about who we really are. Our social media profiles make claims about loving Jesus and we post Bible verses and encouragement to others while all the while making dirty jokes at work, cursing like a sailor to our friends, talking about the overweight person we work with, flirting with someone other than our significant other…and justifying this behavior with a simple “well, nobody’s perfect!.”

When will Christians stop putting on a show and let who we appear to be to others be who we really are on the inside? The irony in all of this is that the one person we are supposed to be living for in the first place is the one individual who sees both sides of us.

God sees us acting churchy on Sunday…posting “Praise the Lord!" on Facebook...but, He also sees us when we look at pornography on the internet…when we tell a dirty joke with our friends…when we curse out the waitress for taking a little longer than we think we can tolerate.

God isn't blind, deaf or dumb…but we seem to treat Him like He is.
God isn’t a Fairy God Mother who only appears when we have a crisis.
He is there constantly.

When we become a Christian, God wants our whole hearts…our whole being. It is about total surrender.

When some people accept Jesus, they say “All to Jesus, I Surrender…..except for my eyes when I’m home alone….except for my lips when I am with my friends…and heck! Jesus, you can even have all of it on Sunday!...just….not on Monday….that one is for me.”

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” –Revelation 3:16

Don’t be lukewarm…don’t be one who we only assume is a Christian by their Facebook page.

God wants an ALL-in Follower who has COMPLETELY surrendered to Him.

Will you be that person…or will you be like the Catfish show liars?

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